The possible side effects of inosine pranobex are, increased in blood andurine uric acid level, increased blood urea level, increased bloodtransaminases level, increased blood alkaline phosphate, fatigue, malaise(illness), arthralgia (joint pain), rash (red, bumpy, scaly or itchy patches ofskin), pruritus (itching), vomiting, nausea, epigastric discomfort (stomachdiscomfort), headache, vertigo (a sensation of whirling and loss of balance),Somnolence (excessive sleepiness), Insomnia (trouble falling asleep),Nervousness, Diarrhoea, Constipation, Polyuria( excessive urination),Angioedema, Hypersensitivity (swelling of the area beneath the skin),Urticaria (round, red welts on the skin that itch), Anaphylactic reaction (Asevere, potentially life-threatening allergic reaction),Dizziness(lightheadedness), upper Abdominal pain, Erythema (superficial reddeningof the skin).